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Hey, who closed the Cape?

Happy Monday... I was late getting in this morning due to another big ass tractor trailer laying on its' side in the middle of the highway. Two weeks in a row we start out with highway mayhem. Is this a sign? Or maybe just bad highway design...

We spent lots of the weekend on the road. Saturday we went to look at the house on the hill. M.E. loved it so of course by the time we got in touch with the real estate person it was already sold. Probably a good thing considering our circumstances... Still it was a pretty cool place.

We then went out rambling and ended up in the wilds of Connecticut and ate dinner at this pizza place I know burried deep in the woods. The place is a real dump, but they always have a big fire burning, it over looks this beautiful pond and the food is great... and it was.

Later, we crashed on the couch in front of a big fire watching the Sopranos until bang, there was an interesting sounding explosion in the kitchen. One of the glass doors for the fire place exploded in a million little tempered bits. We paused the video, cleaned things up and I went down stairs and cut a piece of plywood that I foil coated for a replacement. M.E. grabbed two fire estinguishers convinced that the place was going to burn down... Girls... More expenses coming though. Blah...

Yesturday we planned to take a drive to the Cape so we could have lunch at Seafood Sams because I like their jingle. We looked them up on the internet There are 4 locations, the menu looked good and the prices even better. They even had a $2 off coupon for a tee shirt. I was so in... So we drove off... on a mission.

The drive was uneventful. We passed the first one in Falmouth and there were no cars in the lot. We stopped by Woods Hole to visit the rock we hit in the boat last spring and pay our respects. Man it was cold down by the water, but it was OK. Then we headed to location two. We figured it might be closed so we had a back up plan, Tugboats in Hyannis... Well another hour of driving and both of those options bite the dust... Seafood Sams and Tugboats all apparently close for the winter as does 3/4 of Cape Cod.

While sitting by the beach at Hyannis harbor we see boats sailing out by the Yacht Club on the far side of the bay, so of course we head over to watch. man I was sooooo jealous. Sigh.. We decide to hit the YC for lunch until we see the posted dress code. Jeans will definately not do. Sigh... On the road again.

We head home with empty stomachs... Just as we are leaving Hyannis I see this big hacienda... it is, yes, Sam Diegos... Mexican food at it's finest. So we stop and our hunger makes us fail to observe that the place is full of families and screaming kids. UGH... But famine will make you over look alot and it did. The food was good and fast and we were back on the road with only minor headaches from the screaming two year old at the table next door. The parents at least attempted to quiet her down. They get points for that.

We hit the YC and I was a bad boy. I broke my self imposed fast and had three glasses of grapes... Oops.. Oh well, today is back to the diet Monday. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa. Hmm I and I never figured that latin was gonna pay off.


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