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Monday at 5:30 is really Tuesday at 6:30 capish?

The people at the drug trial center are tres screwed up. My appointment is scheduled for tonight at 5:30. They told me that last time I was in. My little card with the appoinbtment written in by them also says so. It is sitting right here, written in blue and white. Their book in the office even agrees, so you'd think that tomorrow at 6:30 would be right out right? RIGHT?Wrong....

Well unfortunately for them I have a basketball game tomorrow at 6:30 that I have no intentions of missing. Soooo... I get to pick up drugs Wednesday and then have to go back the following Tuesday to pick up drugs... This actually works out for me because it is likely that the Doctor, because of the stupid study protocol will think I'm well enough to stop taking them and I would have to argue unsucessfully that I am not. Score one for me. I'll have enough drugs to get me through my vacation. YEAH!

I have found the only people stupider than my study people.. The people at the drug store up the street. They are not only stupid, they are also slow and pretty ragged looking too. Maybe Granite Drugs hires the homeless? Well I applaud them for that, but not when I have a half hour for lunch and it takes this woman who lookes like she is strung out on heroin 15 minutes to check out an old lady with 15 plastic hangers and four pairs of orthopedic black stretch socks. Well... she did have coupons... and she did like to talk...

Apparently my impatience was showing, or perhaps she sensed it. She suggested I try and check out at the photo booth... Well there was another old lady with a whole basket full of stuff there. Apparently Monday is old lady with coupon day. It's a good thing I wasn't planning on lunch, because the half hour was shot, slowly and painfully to death. C'est la vie.

Oh yeah the coffee I got to drink on the way back to work was served in a leaky cup. Can you tell it is Monday? I knew you could....

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