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Hi we're Archie Bell and the Drells...

I've thought of about fifteen topics to write about this morning, but none of them quite made the cut. Perhaps I'm all written out? Life has been just routine lately. I guess that is both bad and good. No major surprises, just putting one foot in front of the other and on it goes.

A typical night... Drive home at too high a speed. Let puppy out and inspect the house for carnage. Last night it was a meeting notice on the fridge that got attacked because Johnny the Chin left my ships bell all nicely gold plated on the front steps. It pays to have friends in low places. Puppy does not like guests when we are not home though... The stress causes problems. maybe he needs puppy Prozac?

Then we play rub puppys belly for a bit, change into the workout clothes and put in 5 miles on the treadmill. While travelling to no place, I watch way too much local news. I also ponder the plastic hair of the news people. These people make big bucks and that is the best they can do? UGH!!

This is followed by a bit of rest, a healthy dinner (last night prime rib and broccoli) and a loooooooong hot shower.

I top this all off by reading the paper, watching two episodes of year three of the Sopranos (M.E. insisted) and then some cup racing on the tube. God I need a life. That seems boring even to me and I lived it. Oh well, after this damn diet kick is over maybe things will pick up some. That and spring. I long for spring.

I've been stuck at 11 pounds lost for the last 4 days. I know I'm gaining some muscle so I'm not overly concerned but it is a pain seeing the same number on the scale every day. I know I'm using up more than is coming in so something has to shake loose soon and hopefully it will not be skin.

My stomach is getting flatter and I'm wearing a sweater that at Christmas made me look like a beached whale. Now it only makes me look like a beached porpoise :-) That is progress I guess.

Tonight looks like another alcohol free night at the YC. I haven't been there all week and can't say I really miss it. Without boats and booze, it is just another place with too many loud boring people. So it goes...

It snowed on the way in this morning but the sun is out now and the temp is supposed to hit 30 so maybe I'll do a walk at lunch. The sunshine will do me good. Want to join me? I'll walk slow so you can keep up. Honest :-)

Happy Friday!

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