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Bad reviews yeild carnage, film at 11

I'm wearing my new perscription induatrial style safety glasses. My eyes are now bulletproof. Clark Kent eat your heart out. There are two downsides... They weigh like two pounds and my nose is on the verge of collapse and they look like they may have been designed in the old Soviet Union, where nothing is more stylish than a concrete block...

Oh well, it fits my look for today. My eyes are red and my face is puffy and to top it all off I have a zit. Whats up with that? My zit days should be well behind me and yet here is one right on my chin to mock me. Where the hell did I get enough grease to create a zit? Are they mutantly infecting celery with the stuff? Damn DNA experaments. I am indeed going to pot.

Puppy apparently was in a restless mood yesturday and chewed up the following, a complete roll of toilet paper.. He apparently ate the cardboard core because it was now where to be found... the box for the DVD set of M.E.s John Travolta collection... (I can understand that one) and part of the paper. I think he may have been upset because Golden Retreivers were listed in the paper as only the third best dogs to have as pets. I should never let him see that suff I know how he gets...

I really have no motivation to be here today... amuse me? please???

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