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My life with the mob

I can lie to myself to get me to do stuff I don't really want to do. How sad is that? I get on the treadmill with the promise that I'll only do a couple of miles at slow speed.

Then I rationalize that since I'm only going to do two miles I should push it some. Then when the two miles is almost up I tell myself well another quarter mile and I'll quit... I continue to do that until I get in at least 4 miles. I know I'm going to go at least that far and yet I continue to try to convince myself that I'm not... Am I one sad puppy or what?

We are almost done with season two of the Sopronos and in the last eppisode we watched both Richie Aprille and Big Pussy got wacked. We had been rooting for Ritchie to get it for a while, but I was sad when Pussy got it... Oh well.. You don't mess with the big boys. This is true in the mob and in life I guess.

To some people it is just a show, but if you live in Rhode Island, organized crime is just part of the landscape. My moms neighbor is one such person. George is a nice guy and except when he had the attack dog a pretty good neighbor. He has a beutiful house right on the pond, a sweet wife and nice kids. I know several people that have worked with and for him, all stand up guys.

Yes the police have hauled him out in cuffs several times, yes his house was burned down one night, and yes he is currently in the can for selling drugs, stealing electricity and having illegal fireworks, but hey a guys gotta make a living you know? I don't think he has ever killed anybody, but who knows...

He once took the rap for something he didn't do because the option was getting rubbed out. The retirement plan is not the best either. Thiswas not the first time somebody wanted him sleeping with the fishes. But the money is good and the benefits are OK and on occasion you get to make your own liscence plates. I wonder if he sees a shrink?

M.E. grew up in Nort Providence (an Italian strong hold) and worked at the hospital there for a while and the show just kills her. She knows all the players, only the names and faces have been changed. I guess I'll have to pick up year three tomorrow...

No news on the job front, things are very slow. I may send a resume to the new governor. He is a buisnessman and maybe he is looking for a different perspective on things? It couldn't hurt and this is Rhode Island. Stranger things have happened. We'll see... Happy Tuesday!

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