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Foliage is in the air

MS Messenger appears to be dead. I did not kill it, promise. I probably should warm boot the whole computer just in case it isn't a system problem. In a bit perhaps I will.

My system has finally awoken from the Monday blahs and I'm operating on full begining of the week power (65%?). Like probably 85% of the people here, I'm on a major begining of the year diet. When I get determined I have the will power of a mule. Unlike trishtastic I will not be sharing the gory details here. I'm assuming some folks read this stuff during lunch and I don't want to be responsible for them recycling their food, now do I? Nope... Besides as I have mentioned a zillion times or more, I hate having my picture taken.

I think I have discovered that it takes me a while after I stop drinking to get my "fun" personality back. Once I go a few weeks I can evolve into the semi-party animal (well as party animal as an engineer can get...) but the first few weeks are always awkward. I get quiet.. I guess the filters kick up during times of attempting to be healthy. I'll survive and they'll back down. Life goes on.

I find it ironic that while I'm on a self induced alcohol fast due to the diet and such, that I have more wine and beer in the house complements of the last two parties than I have ever had before. I could throw a drunken bash for all of diaryland and still maybe have stuff left over if I didn't invite piehole , Ms-M and wickedsezzy who are known lushes... I'd invite them anyway :-) Hmmm, perhaps I need to make this a post diet plan. We'll see....

I went to get my oil changed this weekend and the idiots at the local $29.99 rip off joint some how managed to get leaves in my air intake. How you manage this changing oil, I'll never know, but the fix involved lots of vacuuming and spraying of stuff and reving of the engine. I was not pleased. Where do they get these people? Pre drug rehab?

On the plus side, I did get $5 off and they vacuumed up all the fire estinguisher residue from my great Christmas shopping caper. I guess there is balance in the cosmos.

Tonights plans are simple, do four or so miles, eat, play with puppy and watch some Sopronos. M.E is adicted and I guess I am going to have to buy her season three for her birthday as well as the season two I already gave her. Between the cruise and the Christmas bills current rotating debt exceeds 6 large as Tony would say. UGH... I need to get this paid off before the job subsides so most extra curricular activities will be curtailed until the cruise. We'll manage I guess...

I'm not all that hungry right now. Life is as good as it gets for a Monday.

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