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Well it's the first entry of 2003 and I should have something profound to say I guess but I don't. This is the 541st entry here and I'll soon be coming up on a year since I started writing. It seems longer.... 40 people read me on a regular basis and they are all very good people who I am happy to share these little bits of my life with. Thanks for hanging in there. Some days it makes life lots easier to muddle through when you have folks who care around.

The party on New Years eve went well if sedately. I'm not sure if it was because it was a Wednesday, but the only person who put on a show was an uninvited 50 something guy who showed up with his mom. Enough said. This was the first year I was actually able to lift the recycling bin. Oh well... We gace away all the deserts (and there were several) to people on the way out. That was the rule, if you don't take a box you couldn't go. Hey, better them fat than me right?

On the plus side we both got up fairly clear headed on New Years day and got the tree, decorations and lights all packed away and the house and basement put back in their original configurations. It's like the whole holiday season never happened.

We went to sis's house out in the sticks for her open house yesterday and one our old friends Kenny was there. He's had cancer and looked awful. Right now it is in remission and there is hope... It definately makes you reprioritize your life when you go through crap like that. I invited him sailing this summer and he's going to come if he makes it. His wife has gained as much weight as he has lost. It's understandable. I'd be as big as a house under similar circumstances.

Today we begin the 7 week transformation. In 7 weeks we go on our cruise and I need to lose weight in a big way before waddling around in nothing but shorts. So.... diet, No sweets or pasta, exercise and no and I mean no alcohol. ARRRGHHH! My body is already in full revolt to these ideas. Hang in there, you'll thank me later guys, I promise... Especially you liver, trust me on this one. 7 weeks isn't that long right? right? Sigh...


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