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Tequilla sunrise... or sunset?

My first computer was an old 286 with a 1200 baud modem that a group I belonged to was throwing out. I have no idea what year that was, but it was the same year that August and Everything After by Counting Crows came out. That's how I met trishtastic

I took the computer so I could play on line and get into the sailing chats. That was my big goal in life right then, to get go on line and do the same thing I could do in my local bar, but with people I didn't know. It would take a full 15 minutes for that damn old box to get me in and load the graphics, and if I got kicked off, which happened often in those days, I had to start from scratch. It was worth it though, most of the time. I made some good friends there.

Trish was one, but of course she didn't go by Trish then. It was all part of the transformation. She was always beautiful and funny and smart. It just took her a while to figure it out again. I always told her she was going to be a star and I knew it to be so. So far I'm looking pretty clairvoyent.

We always had a weird sort of connection. Even if we hadn't seen each other on line forever, we sort of had the knack of popping in when ever one of us really needed somebody. Of course I on occasion butted my nose in where it did not belong and have had to appologize more than once. Such are the trials of being my friend I guess. I hope the goods out weigh the bad. Some how she was able to tolerate my bouts of madness, and for this I am grateful.

She was invited to my wedding, but couldn't make the details work out. M.E. officially knows her as my friend from Ohio. We threatened to sail together on more than one occasion, but again logistics... right now there is more turmoil in her life than I'd like, but hey I guess most of us including me can say that. She'll work it all out. She is a survior.

So if you are in Ohio (or England) and bump into this perky, funny, smart talented reporter for the local paper tell her Ron said Hi. Then buy her a Guinness, or if you dare Tequila. I'll reimburse you, promise :-)

Happy Friday!

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