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Tis the season?

Reason to have fire estinguisher in truck: To be able to put out fires.

Reason not to have fire estinguisher in truck: Accidental discharge when hit by Christmas present results in VERY big white mess. At least the truck is having a white Christmas. Can I borrow your vacuum?

I had three parties to go to this weekend. The first two involved friends, and fun and way too much alcohol. The third involved M.E.s family and boredom and WAY not enough alcohol. At least the dinner was good. There is just nothing cuter than a three year old kid who screams at the top of his lungs and yells NO for 5 hours is there? Well except when he throws food. That part wasn't bad.

M.Es family has a gift swap thing. We pull names out of a hat and you buy for that person. I'm pretty easy to buy for, anything boaty or even clothes are fine. Restuarant gift certificates, wine, puppy chew toys all also are acceptable. The only thing I didn't want (agian this year) was theater tickets. The last few years I've gotten theater tickets dispite the fact that A: I generally hate the theater and B: See A: Two years ago I gave my Christmas present to M.E. and her sister. Last year M.E. was able to sell the tickets and give me cash. This was a definate score dispite the fact that I used the money to pay bills. Hey at least the bill people were happy.

I was hoping that the third time might be the charm so imagine my suprise when I opened my gift to find... Drum roll please, a new boat anchor Yea..... Opps just kidding... I got tickets again this year... Phantom which M.E. has seen six times and which I wouldn't go if it was being performed by the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders in the nude. Sigh...

The reason for all the tickets is simple, M.E.s brother Dan works close to the Performing Arts Center so he can get the tickets at lunch and not inconvience himself too much. That is the primary factor in giving a gift is it not? I smiled and said thank you. I always smile and say think you. Want to see Phantom? I know where you can get some primo tickets cheap.

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