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Headhuter, headhunter find me a match

Gallows humor.... All discussion at work these days eventually references our impending doom. Them: Taking any time off at Christmas? Me: No (talkative aren't I?) Them: Oh only two weeks vacation this year for you right? ME: Yes, although that won't matter much soon will it? Us: Hee hee... we'll have all the vacation we can stand and then some pretty soon. Smile and keep walking... thats all you can do.

So we spend the day swapping the best job search sites and trying to pay off bills that will keep coming in while the paychecks do not. Ahh the holiday season, I do love it so.

One of my oldest on line friends now has a diary trishtastic We met in the sailing chat oh so long ago and have sort of stayed in touch ever since. She is a wonderful person, with a truely great family. You'd wish you were her except for the part about the impending divorce. Do not feed her tequilla or be prepared to clean your bathtub. You have been warned.

It's funny, I always knew even when she was a stay at home mom that she was going to be somebody fameous. She used to laugh at me for saying that. Then she got a small job, then a job at a radio station, then, on air talent. Now she writes for a newspaper. Can TV be far off? She has the look and presence... She can pull it off trust me. So if you want to get in on the semi ground floor, stop by and wish her well.

Sigh... I need to call a headhunter now. Have a happy weekend all!

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