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Super extra entry....

You'd think being a super hero would be fun, but I'll tell you being Static Cling man has it's drawbacks. First, you never know when your super powers are going to pop up and grab a stray piece of laundry or dog hair. Did you know that I am solely responsible for all the missing socks on the east coast? It's a big job, but I can handle it.

I have also royally pissed off Lint Boy and Pocket Fluff Girl for encroaching on their territory. Those laundy related super heros can get pretty petty, let me tell you. If and opening for Breast Enhancing Man ever comes up, I'm applying. He must be pretty busy based on the amount of emails he sends out to me alone. I don;t have the heart to tell him that A: I't not interested and B: I'm a guy. Oh well.

Also I am quite sore today from my attempt to smash through the gas station in yesterdays eppisode. Just because I can attract large buildings, does not give me the power to survive such conflicts apparently. That just doesn't seem fair now, does it?

The M on my keyboard keep sticking. I blame it on MS-M who I'm convinced has powers over all things M related. She gets a whole letter and I'm stuck with lint Life indeed is not fair.

The crack on my new windshield is growing as we speak. It waits until I leave and then surges forward in leaps and bounds. I shall try to become super bullshit artist man and convince the glass company to give me a new on for free. Wish me luck. Now where dod I put that brown cape....

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