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You and me and rain on the roof

It rained all night and I can finally see patches of bare ground for the first time in over a month. This would be a good thing except that I never did get the rest of the leaves raked before the first snowfall. I wasn't the only one, honest. Now they are all plastered to the ground and will be a major pain to remove. Oh well... Nature put um threre, nature can take um away. Or not....

Puppy and I had a fight. He likes to play in the snow which is fine and he has his routine that I deal with when I get home in the afternoon. The only rule is stay in the yard. Well last night he violated the prime directive. So, I'm calling him and calling him and he's pretending to be deaf. Puppy could win an oscar for his deaf portrail. I am not happy.

Sometimes I do wonder about his hearing. He can't hear me yelling from 5 feet away and that gets me concerned. Other times he can hear the fridge door from the back yard... Hmmmm So he knew I was mad at him. In the middle of the night I woke up to him trying to crawl under my arm in the bed. When he needs a hug, he doesn't wait, he just takes them. Sigh... He's just so cute, how can you stay mad and you know his philosophy on hugs is pretty sound. More people should follow puppys advice. Hmmm, mayeb he can write a book and I can retire. Millie and Socks both had best sellers...

Apparently plastic surgery is now a spectator sport. What in the world is up with that? Nothing like showing the world what you look like with gauze rolled up your nose and two black eyes to make a good impression huh? Now if they can combine that show with Risk Factor and make the contestants have to eat the left over body parts, they might have a real hit. UGH I was kidding, NBC, KIDDING!!!!

I hit the club for a grapes or two last night. One of the guys is buying a brand new 50 foot power boat. I guess the job situation is good for some people. I sent out a few more resumes today but currently don't have anything that looks iminent. Merry Chrismas.... All I want from Santa is a new job. Ho ho..... ho

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