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Hey who left this giant flashign sign here

It is beautiful out today and I seem to have lost my superpowers. I am no longer Static Cling man. I am no longer attractive to dust, lint, rogue socks and probably people. Sigh... Who would have realized that those dryer strips could have such power. I am verclempt yet suprisingly wrinkleless.

The boss called a non-scheduled meeting for the whole department. Now when you are in the process of being shut down surprise meetings are not a good thing. Well as soon as he got us all assembled he sprang the bad news. We are having a pizza party on Thursday. Those Bastards!!! How dare they... um No wait, thats not bad news is it? Hmmmm Has to be some kind of plot, I hear anchovies are involved.

I say that while the company is still open and has money in the budget we should have lobster and champagne parties. Think big. Put me in charge for a few weeks and you'd see a change from the funeral like attitude in here.

Mondays... well I never liked Mondays, everybody stays home. Tuesdays... well that would be the new Monday and you know how I feel about those. We'd just skip days with a W all together after all W is just and upside down M and you know what starts with M. Thursday is pay day so we'd get paychecks and a keg party. Fridays lobster and champagne with a 1:00 closing time.

Of couse not much work would get done, but hell, we're going out of business so who cares. Party hearty and screw corporate America (well actually corporate Isreal, who'd have thunk it?)

I have a feeling they will not put me in charge.... Quell domage. OH as a passing aside, the guy in charge of shutting us down, the owners son is named Dubie. It is pronounced Doobie and yes he does have brothers. I wonder if the old man was a big fan of China Grove and lots and lots of brownies?

My commute home, as you have been aware continues to be a joy to behold. Last night there was a 30 minute delay because "they" forgot to take down the sign that said the high speed lane was going to be closed from the work done the day before. The lane was fine, the only obstruction was the sign. Where do I get a job like this? Are they rejects from the registry of motor vechicles? I mean normal people cannot be this dumb right? right? sigh....

I have just applied for my one millionth job. Well maybe not, but it sure seems that way. I now have my own personal server on The latest effort is in Worchester Mass, the armpit of humanity. Can you tell I'm a bit desperate? It is also doing what I am doing and hating now. All the aggrivation, with a longer commute and in a slum. Life doesn't get much better than that.

Well kiddies, back to work? Well back to looking busy any way. Evil engineers from our new owners are wandering the plant looking for information. Well, they'll get nothing from me... well except for maybe the cure for static cling.


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