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Frozen tundra

Dispite the recent bombardment of ads and carols, I can't get into the Christmas spirit. Usually I don't mind and trek out into the cold, stalk, kill and bring home all kinds of great stuff that everybody oohs and ahhs over, but this year is different. I think it is the pending financial insecurity.

It's tough to get motivated to spend money when you aren't sure where the next paycheck is coming from. I've always been a worrier. I guess that comes from experiencing that there are lots of things in life to worry about. Well, I guess all I can do is keep on plugging and hoping and trying. We'll see.

Damn it is cold again today. Temp is in the 20's and the wind has just been howling. They found Cliff (yes it was him) floating under one of the docks next door. I guess his dog was making all kind of noise on and one of the lady bartenders went over to see what was wrong. The stairs to his boat were tipped over so she notified his boss who checked and found he hadn't been to work since Friday. He was a nice guy... So it goes. I hate winter.

I have aquired a lawn tractor from mom, complete with plow. She doesn't have any room for it at the new place. All I have to do is pick it up. I don't really need a lawn tractor but hey it was free. maybe I can cut lawns for a living? Hmm, wrong season. I also have a new ski jacket. I got it at Job Lot and it was just too good of a deal to pass up,regular $90 Ocean Pacific on sale for $29.99. I got the matching gloves for $3.00. Puppy already tried to eat them.

M.E. is going malling tonight with my sister. They have to pick out a gift for mom. Better them than me. maybe I'll build a fire. Warm good....

Happy Monday all....

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