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Rubbing it in

Well, I have managed to survive the feast of fat without too much damage to either the brain cells or the waist line (hmm should that be waste line?)and I didn't have too bad a holiday thanks to a nice bottle of Pinot Noir and the cuz's new 60 inch HDTV. Watching foot ball on this thing is way better than being there. You can see all the small details and there is never a line to the bathroom. Beer is also free.

I had to get up at almost the normal time today to take M.E. to work. Her little sports piece of crap is in the shop again. I personally think it would make a great coffe table, but she dispite it's penchant for premium gas and no back window loves it. Oh well....

I am actually going to do some shopping today so if this diary ends with this entry, you know I didn't make it out alive. It is a possiblity. I also seriously considered having weiners for breakfast. The only thing that stopped me was they didn't serve them until 10:00. ACK, I am in serious system malfuction. But..I'll survive.

Happy Friday folks. I hope you have the day off, too, but if not PFFFFFFTTTTT!!! For once, my life is better than your. Bye for now!

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