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Monday, the sequel

Better living thru chemistry. I still have the migrane, but I don't care as much. I'll have to give my doctor a call and renew this perscription. I just took the last one. I'm not supposed ot operate heavy machinery. Damn... that steamroller parked at the industrial park entrance looked like fun too. Just my luck.

A spoiled brat.. Yes you called me a baby. I am not, am not am not. I may hold my breath until I turn blue to protest.

No news on the job front and nothing that fit in yesterdays paper. I did pick up one lead from a friend at the club. A guy that offered me a spot a while back. They are supposed to be busy... maybe...

The boat comes out at 11:00. They haul it out on a big hydraulic truck and trailer. As usual I get a spot in the front row. Aren't I special?

There are advantages to being the last one out, first one in. They'll power wash the bottom. Then I can get a first hand view of our little smush from the trip through Woods Hole where we sort of hit a big rock. The diver says it is not much of anything. We'll see. I have to put on a coat of wax before it gets really cold. It is like waxing your house. Not fun...

I just can't warm up today. I need somebody to share body heat with. Or maybe a drink. Coffee did not help at all. Puppy is nice and warm. I shold have brought him to work. That could be interesting. Hmm, maybe not.

I hope folks are having a good Monday. Even if you aren't this is a short week so deal with it. :-)

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