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Dead guy on my route?

The birds know... they are all up on the wires and up in the trees singing away. They don't have satalite pictures or weather radar and yet some how they can tell... A storm is coming.

I'll have to stop by tonight to see that all is right with H.M. I sure she is fine but I'll still have to check. It is too late in the season for dramatics.

I have the urge to go out some place nice for dinner tonight, even though the checkbook is barren and we are tying to save up for Christmas and regular winter bills. Does that make me a bad person? I really don't care.

I'll make homemade chicken soup tomorrow and maybe get a coat of primer on the cabinets while the rain pours down. With my luck the power will probably go out right in the middle and I'll have to finish by flashlight. Oh well it will be a good story to write here right? Well it would have been if I hadn't just already written it.

Dead guy was out at the end of the cul de sac today for the second day in a row. I call him dead guy because maybe he is. I've been by his beat up old Buick two days in a row and it is parked in exactly the same spot. OK that happens... Whats weird about him is that all you can see are his feet (socks, no shoes) stuck up on each side of the windshield. I have yet to see any movement. The only reason I haven't called the cops is a: nobody dies with their feet in the air except bugs right? and 2: I think he had different color socks on yesterday. I may swing by on my way out tonight. I'll keep you posted. Well time to get back to work. Have a great weekend!

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