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Indian summer?

I'm still being a good boy. I did an hour on the treadmill, ate healthy food, no drinking and was asleep early. God I'm getting boring.

M.E. is going to a play tonight at a high school. One of her nephews is in it. I was invited... You really didn't think I go did you? On a normal night I'd probably head for the club for a few, but since I'm trying not to drink during the diet kick, the temptation might be too much. I think I'll start disassembling the kitchen cabinets instead.... and of course more treadmill. Grrrr....

The forecast for the weekend is 60's and sunny. Yippee, sailing! And I just remembered yesterday that we get Monday off for Vetrans day so I'll start disassembling the boat for winter.

I strip it right out for the winter and will probably shrink wrap it this year if the cash is available. It makes it so nice and cozy inside when it is wrapped. Kind of like being in heavy fog and no breeze, but without the risk of being run down by a fishing trawler.

The cushions alone will take a full truck load. All the Misc. junk will take at least another and of course the sails, boom and spinnaker pole. It is interesting to have a 16 foot pole sticking out of an eight foot bed. You can bet I pull that one off in day light.

Still now word on the job scene. Today is pay day though so I live to shop another day.

Happy Thursday!

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