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Then the landslide took me down

Will somebody please keep all sharp objects away from Tom Daschel for the next few days? Wow, what a rout.... I honestly figured the Republicans had no shot at the Senate. A lot of people were wrong I guess.

In the two biggest races around here, governer of RI and Mass, a woman politician was running against a buisnessman in both. Both women started with big leads, both lost big. One politacal observer was trying to tie it to a gender thing. I don't buy it.

In RI we've had several Representitives and state office holder who are female (Usually Republicans oddly enough). In this case both women were just bad candidates and they both got whomped. Negitive commercials by both women backfired. Maybe we're smarter her in the east? There are more women registered to vote in both states. Shouldn't gender help not hurt there? Hmmm

I got a two miler in on the treadmill and then we headed out to vote. We pulled into what was supposed to be our poling place according to our election literature, but it wasn't. So we got back in the truck and tried again at a place farther away and it was. We vote by optical scanners and it only took a few minutes. Then we hit the road for dinner.

I was a good boy I had a salad and a diet coke. M.E. had pizza. I now hate her :-) (just kidding, it't the hunger talking, honest). I had an apple when I got home. BLAH.... That apple should have been wrapped around pie :-)

I stayed up later than I should watching the results and was stunned. I'm not a big fan of the Trent but it looks like he'll be beck as majority leader. Lets hope he gets his act together this time around.

They are predicting a Nor'easter today with big winds and monsoon rains. I'm glad the boat is now in an inside slip.

I got googled last night for Windrose 24 (a sailboat type) and worst boat ever (see Windrose 24). I hope no one is seriously considering buying one of those pieces of junk. Well, um except for the one I sold... That one was wonderful. (fingers crossed) uhem... I was young then and didn't know better honest :-) Well it did have a new sail and new tires on the trailer, what do you want for $1500 bucks a Swan? Man that was a long time and a lot of money and races ago. I'm getting old.


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