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Ups and downs?

She's 35 years old and has a 4 year old son. She's unmarried, dating a guy who beats her and lives with her mother and her boyfriend in his way too small apartment. She's unstable, doesn't like to work and complains constantly that the free ride she is being given isn't enough. Yesterday she broke up her moms long time relationship by being a total bitch. Now two friends of mine are splitting and I hate it.

The woman of course sides with her daughter even though she knows she is wrong. The old blood is thicker than water thing. She also blames herself for the problems of her children. She worked nights when they were young and stuff happened.

She knows the daughter is wrong but still blames her boyfriend. After all, he did say they could stay indefinately, daughter, her kid and dog. That was I guess implied to have no time limit, no limitations on conduct, demands. The free food, babysitting, roof were inconsequential. She wouldn't have taken in his child if it was needed. She hates her. It is a one way street I guess but this doesn't matter here. Doesn't apply...

So she and family are moving out and as soon as she does, daughter will move back in with the disturbed boyfriend who will beat her and she will cry. She will also ignore mom because she only comes around when stuff is required.

And both of our friends will be alone, and hating it and wondering what the hell happened. I refuse to be put in the middle. I refuse to choose. When events happen, both will be invited. Let them sort it out. Hopefully they both will come to their senses. We'll see...

I did not hear anything on the new job yet. I'm waiting anxiously.

I did get the rest of the plaster done last night and the molding up around the doors. Tonight, sand and paint....

I also get to visit the blood suckers for probably the last time. If they don't have anything positive to offer I'm taking the money and running. I am also not only quitting the study, I'm firing the doctor. Can you do that you ask? Well, I guess we'll find out. I've had enough, waiting, inaction, carelessness. Doc, you are fired, have a nice day.

Team Dennis Conners lost again last night. The boat just looks slow. General consensus is that they are afraid to use the new one, the one that sank. They have to try something because our hopes of bringing the cup back to Newport are fading fast. Sigh...

Besides that, all is mostly good... or at least fair. I'm cold. Have a great day.


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