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A watched pot?

Could I possibly have anything to say in the third entry of the day? No, I couldn't.

I'm sure you don't want to hear about the pizza that I had for lunch that burned the roof of my mouth or the color of the sky or how many miles per gallon I get in the truck. It just isn't important to the population in general.

Neither is it important that I have Time by the Chambers Brothers stuck in my head at the moment (how this stuff gets in there I have no idea) and that I have called home three times already hoping for a message that I know won't come till probably at least Friday if at all. Hmm, could I be losing it? Probably no more than normal.

Tonight I finish plastering the kitchen. This was somewhat the reverse of the weekend when the thing being plastered was me. No, not really.. I was a relatively good boy and would have blown less than the legal limit all three days I'm almost sure.

I need a nap...

We are having our big Fall/crew party on Saturday and we need to get the house/yard in shape. That means little or no rest for the semi-wicked. I have a list of things to do. Want to see it? OF course you don't. Neither do I and I have to... Anybody want to help paint? I have an extra brush... I'll make lunch and have cold beverages...

Damn I didn't think so. The story of my life.

Ring dammit, ring... um nevermind sigh...

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