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Monday part deux

Say, have you ever tried

Really reaching out for the other side

I may be climbing on rainbows

but baby here goes....

Old song in an old head.

The Halloween party we went to Saturday night was really good. The Club up the street was converted to a very scary haunted house and the apres party was at our club.

All three clubs together under one roof and hell didn't freeze over. Hopefully this is the start of some real cooperation and better relations. There is so much overlap between the memberships that it is stupid not to get along. The food was excellent too.

Yesterday was just a spectacular day for sailing. The temp was in the 60s, the breeze was great and the foiliage along the bay is starting to really look spectacular. An added plus, no powerboaters.

You have no idea the joy it brings me to be driving a boat on a day like that. The smile on my face was so big I could feel it stretching my cheeks. To be cruising along at 10+ knots so effortlessly added even more to the enjoyment. We made it all the way to Jamestown before we turned to head back.

The sun was already starting to set by the time we got back to the docks. I hate the hour change in the fall. I wish they would change the clocks ahead another hour so it stayed light until 6:30 instead of getting dark at 4:30. Oh well...

I sent out a thank you E note to the guy who interviewed me on Friday. I really want this move badly... Sigh... we'll see... I've been down this road more times than I'd care to think about.

Is it time to go home yet?

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