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High crimes and misdemeanours?

There is never a dull moment here in the Peoples Republic. I decided to go to the local donut shop for an iced coffee and bagel. I get almost there and the street is blocked down by the viaduct by this huge tractor trailer truck. it apparently is too high to fit under the arch.

Well traffic is backed up pretty good while this guy tries to turn around. As soon as he does, I hear sirens. The local KGB is after Mr. truck driver with a vengence. I get my coffee and settle in just in time to see the action. They are maybe ten feet away so I turned off the radio, sipped and listened to this cop verbally beat up this guy for maybe ten minutes. It seems that the cop thinks that someone might not have actually seen this giant silver and green moving building and it could have caused a VERY serious accident. I'm not sure what he expected the guy to do, maybe tunnel under the bridge, but what ever he wanted, it was not what the guy did.

It was kind of funny actually. the cop just kept getting madder and madder. You could see him get red in the face and the viens in his forehead and neck were sticking out just like in the cartoons. I kept expecting him to pull his gun and shoot this guy dead. I was seriously ready to duck. You'd have thought this guy had just killed ten people instead of just making a U turn.

Finally the cop looks over and sees a few of us watching. He throws the license back at the driver and tells him "to get out of his sight before he hauls him off to jail". Then they both drive off. Just another day of keeping Canton safe from scoff laws. I know I feel safer.

Well it looks like the stump has spilled its' little wooden guts and is going to turn states evidence. I hope it got a good plea bargin because we all know what happens to stumps that squeal when they get to the big house...

They um, well, um, well I'm sure it isn't pleasant.

It is a beautiful crisp fall day here in the northeast. Thanks to all that wished me well in tomorrows interview. I really have to get out of here before I go crazy or before I'm arrested for illegal parking or something (see how this all ties together?).

Have a great Thursday!


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