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My local clip joint

Well, yesterdays monsoons messed up the traffic quite a bit and it was a lonnnggg ride home from the Peoples Republic. The cell phone decided to crap out in the middle of a conversation with the Mrs. and I found out later she was worried something happened. Something did, the battery ran out. It did not make the six o'clock news. The accident I got stuck in shortly after did make the news. I sat not moving for quite a while.

I made it to the barbers a few minutes after 4:30. He is usually open until 5:00. The closed sign was up. He saw me at the door and I'm a regular. I've been going there for three years. He mouthed the words I'm closed and turned and kept on cutting some guys hair. So I left, not in the best of moods.

I also went hunting for an alternative. The first place was full of old ladies with plastic hats on their heads and a French name. Um, no thanks, lets keep going. At the second I thought I hit paydirt. Normal name, good, Walk ins welcome, good. Clean place, good. One guy in the chair getting a normal haircut, good. Ok I ask if I can get a haircut. The woman working says right after she finishes this one guy. PERFECT!

So I grab a Car and Driver Magazine and wait. Not the reason the place is almost empty becomes clear. The lady cutting hair talks really loud and vever shuts up. By the time I hit the chair, I've already learned that she was a nurse but couldn't take the pressure. I also learned that she has issues with her parents, and the state, and the government and the stock market. I also find out she just bought a new living room set, is originally from upstate New York and has lived in New Jersey at times.

She also spent 20 minutes giving the guy in the chair directions (It was way too pointed for just call it advice) on how to deal with his parents, job and hair. When my turn finally came I just tried to be quiet. It did not help. It kind of went like this... Yak, yak, yak, yak, yak, snip. Repeat endlessly.... Sigh... The haircut was actually pretty good and the price was OK, but I don't think I'll be back. My ears hurt.

Then I got to go pick up my two perscriptions and argue with the pharmacist. They changed one of my perscriptions to the generic version with out my approval a couple of months ago and I've been working to get it straight. This was the third attempt. Well they didn't gaff it up this time, but the little trollop at the counter said I had to talk to the pharmacist before I left. I was at the drive through. It was backing up behind me. I waited, and waited and finally he came over to tell me that the original order was for generic. WRONG! I was on Zestril for three months before they decided to change me. He checks the file, nods his head and walks away. That was worth the wait, no? At least I get the correct perscription for a change. Ahhh those big chain drugs stores.

Then to the Club to drop off some forms. The first thing I did was call home and M.E. was happy to hear from me. I think she had visions of me lying in a ditch someplace. She had a meeting at the Club with the ladies at 7:00. They were having free food and discussing possible social events for next year. I said I'd wait for her to come over. So I did.

I had a glass of grapes and got into a big discussion on the costs of dockage at the club (stupidly cheap). This one old guy disagrees with me and starts to get on my case. At one point, he says I don't want to make you mad here, but...

I jump in with... Well then don't. Just don't do it. You have the power not to, make it not happen. Well he was stunned and the bar cracked up. He stuck out his hand for me to shake and I did. He also said he was sorry about a million times. There was nothing to be sorry about. it was a discussion. We left the way we came in, as two people who know each other and not much more, and that was fine and as it should be.

I left soon after M.E. showed up. I went home to hug puppy, have some dinner and watch some History Channel. M.E got home fairly late. All her ideas for the social commitee went over well. They all love her. They have good taste. Happy payday!

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