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Less than nothing

I just knew it was going to be one of those days. It is just too quiet here. Think of working in a closet, or maybe a monestary. The phone rang once. It wasn't for me.

None of the people I normally read have updated today. Sandy was nice enough to sign my guestbook, but it seems my on line life is as deserted as the real one at the moment. Oh well... People have lives, life goes on.

I've finished the Sunday paper crossword puzzle, checked my sports board, read a bunch of the paper on line. Now what do I do next? I plan to take a long lunch, but not at 10:30. Does anybody want to come out and play?


I've been watching the America's races on Outdoor Living every night at 9:00 and of course rooting for my freind Kenny, but his boat has been painfully slow lately. The newer and supposedly faster one sank in San Diego and I guess it isn't ready yet for racing.

If they can't win, I'm rooting for the One World syndicate out of Seattle YC. It would be a good place to have the races and I might even have a place to stay (hint, hint). I just can't find myself rooting for David Ellison of Oracle. I hate that program. The tutorial for it is 28 BOOKS long. Not good...

OK, second entry and it is not 11:00 yet. Um, I can... sit here and look board? I have that down to a science.


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