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What is that buzzing sound? oops..

Don't expect a wonderful entry to follow. I'm running on one brain cell this morning and that one is only working at half power. I got into work way late this morning. It was the traffic, yeah thats what it was. It definately wasn't from closing down the bar last night, no, couldn't possibly be that. Um... well maybe a little... ~sheepish look~

As usual I had good intentions. I came home and took out puppy. Puppy who was in the house all day would not poop. Whats up with that? Well you'll find out later... so... we go back in play a little bit, I change and head down to the boat. It's cloudy and cool with zero wind, but thats OK. Neil's truck is in the lot but not him. I call him on the cell and he is in the process of delivering a powerboat to the marina up the cove. He says there is no wind. No problem, I'm going any way.

Just as I'm ready to get in the launch, Martin and Maria show up, so the three of us head out. The launch only runs until 7:00 so I tell Ed the driver that I'll be back by 6:30. We cast off and go sailing. There is no wind in the cove, but the breeze around the corner is perfect. 6 to 8 knots a bit on the nose, but perfect for just laying back. We see one other sailboat and thats it. We have the whole place to ourselves. We stop talking and it is so quiet. Not a sound... We just cruise along and enjoy the nothing for quite a while.

Then the stupid cell phone rings and ruins the mood. It's M.E. back from her job interview. It went great (well of course it did :-). She wants to tell me all about it, so she does. And I listen... until we have to tack.

A few minutes later the phone rings again. What now? M.E. has solved the mystery of why the dog didn't poop during our romp in the yard. It seems his latest ingestion adventure was a hankerchief which unceramoniously reappeared during her walk with him. It came most of the way out and she had to remove the rest of it with a stick. It is now sitting in a brown pile in the back yard. I swear this dog has the digestion system of a roto-rooter. Oh well...

So we keep sailing, run aground once in a spot where there should be water, and head back. While we can't see the sunset the sky does put on a show of purples and reds. Thank you...

We catch the last launch in plenty of time, the crew leaves and I head in. It is stitch and bitch night. Stitch and bitch is what the ladies call thier newly formed knitting group. More drinking than knitting gets done from what I've seen, but they have a good time. M.E. has invited her sister and a few friends. They head into the back room. I have a grapes.

We just hired a new bartender, Karen who is way cuter than the one she replaced. She also has a personality and I think she will have penchant for busting balls once she knows us all. I give her the run down on the regulars. She keeps my glass full. It is a balanced relationship :-)

I have a couple of glasses and am ready to hit the road. Then I find that M.E. came with her sister who has already left so I need to stay to give her a ride home. Well, we have friends who are boat shopping and we start talking boats. M.E is in no hurry to leave and next thing you know, URGH.. it's a half an hour after I've already have supposed to have left for work and I'm still in bed. That is sort of a bad sign, No?

So it looks to be a long day, but I'll survive because I'm a professional

::stiffles laugh:::

Don;t try this at home :-)

Have a great Thursday! ZZZZzzzzzz......

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