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Frost on the pumpkin

Ahh, Wednesday... middle of the week. I'm not a big fan of Wednesadys. So it goes.

I picked up the crew gifts last night and they came out great. The embroiderer did a super job and now all we have to do is pick a date and schedule the party. We're thinking last weekend of October. I'll have to ask around to check on folks availability. Also on a positive note, We're sailing tonight, well, maybe just me. Nobody has RSVP'd yet so if necessary I will go solo. I need a good one of those any way. We'll see. There is close to a full moon and it will be cold, but I'll have the bay to myself and the winds should be gentle. Works for me.

The doctors office again was not a great experience. The doc as usual was late and when she finally saw me and added up her little scoress that decide if I get to get better or need to get worse I can tell it's going to be a no go. She consistantly under scores me. I know she has stock in the company making the drug. I've heard her discuss it before. I'm begining to wonder if she is cooking the books for her own financial gain. If/When this drug is approved the stock should shoot up quite a bit. Would that be incentive to lie a bit about a patients condition? Probably...

I was ready to quit but the nurse convinced me to stick it out until the end of the month. She promised to review my records today. So I will, until the next visit any way. We had a pretty loud and fairly messy conversation in the waiting room. The doctor even came out and butted her nose in. This is going to be a package deal. When I dump the study the doc goes too, and if I find a better alternative, my brother and sister will happily follow. Nobody really likes this bitch.

At least she didn't suggest any of the medicines that almost killed me last time. I guess my little conversation about her not reading my records must have sunk in. Either that or one of the nurses reminded her.

So I'm in for another boring day, waiting for 3:30 and hoping not to fall asleep. I had to turn the heat on for the first time this morning. Of course it was too late for me, but M.E. and puppy will wake up to a warm house. Aren't I sweet?

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