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Like a hampster on a wheel, life keeps on spinning around

It's a beautiful spring day here in New England. It would have been a perfect day for a walk. So... I ate chinese in the truck. I did sit in the parking lot of the Audibon Society. Does that make it better?

I'm having a down day today. I seem to say that a lot. The whole being sick, depressing job, the rest of the story I've repeated here all too often. You'd think that by now I'd be use to it. I'm not. I've always thought it funny that I remember the bruises much more than the victories in life. It doesn't seem fair that failure should leave a deeper mark than sucess, but too often that seems to be the case.

There are times that I'd like to run away from life. You know, just jump in the boat and sail away to where ever I ended up. A few people would miss me but they'd survive. I'm a forgetable kind of person. I won't go though... but you already knew that didn't you? I have responsibilities, you know, bills to pay, the world to save. I'm just trying to keep what I used to have. Why do I seem to be going backwards? Maybe I need a bigger anchor?

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