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No need to call CDS in Atlanta

Well, I'm back in action... sort of. Except for being pretty tired (what else is new) and the occasional hacking, sniffling fit, I'm mostly functional. Thanks for those who wrote with concerns. It is nice ot be missed.

Whether I'm worthy of this is a different subject. For someone who is relitively smart caaring person, I can be a complete idiot at times. You'd think as an engineer I'd be able to look at things and always be logical. Nope... Sometimes I just jump in with both feet where I don't belong and end up making an ass of myself. At least when I do, I have class enough to appologize and quietly slink away. Ahh, PTZ is going to think, another cryptic entry. Well, maybe not. Think of it as sort of a generic statement on my life. I have to say I'm sorry a lot. You'd think I'd learn?

I should have spent the weekend in bed. I was running a fever for a bunch of it. But I had commitments. We promised a friend we'd babysit his wife while he was out of town playing golf. M.E. did not want to go with just the tow of them so... Saturday night, when I really just wanted to sleep, we ended up making a donation to the Indians at Foxwoods. And Sunday, when I just wanted to pull the covers over my head, I took a boat load of non-sailing people I didn't know (friends of M.E.s cousin) sailing. At least the weather was good and the sailing superb. All this was kind of cancelled out by M.E. getting sick and throwing up every hour or so all night long. None of us slept all that much, which contributed to my calling in sick yesterday as much as my bout with malaria or what ever the hell it was I caught.

Today I have a bit of work to do. I've applied for two new jobs too. Then tonight I have to pick up the crew gifts and visit the clinic for a make up of last weeks aborted visit with the over worked doctor. Then maybe a job open house on the other side of the bay. We'll see...

Happy Tuesday...right

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