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In late and still puffy

UGh, I over slept this morning... Well, that sort of isn't true. Can you over sleep if all you got was maybe an hours worth of sleep? Why does sleep only come at the time when you are supposed to get up? Is it a subconsious plot to rid myself of this hateful job? It won't work brain. Nobody but me cares when I come in. I didn't arrive here until 7:30. This is my first official task of the day. Are you impressed? Me neither.

My desk is not too much of a mess from not being in at all yesterday. Yeah I'm feeling a lttle better. The doctor gave me some antibiotics to take. From the size of them, them must have run out of the human kind and substitited horse or elephant ones. I have to chew them. You do not want to know what they taste like. My head is still puffy and the lack of sleep is begining to take it's toll. I just deleted a message on my machine that I didn't get to listen to. I can't unerase it either. It was probably a job offer for a fabulous position. Sigh...

There are times I thank god I'm isolated here. There is not much chance of pissing people off when you are completely out of the loop. Still I manage on occasion. More often are the times I hate the isolation though... Hence the diary I guess. It is mostly a friend. Sometimes it tells me things I didn't want to but need to hear. I definately am my own worst critic. I can remember things I messed up on since I was a kid. Some how the victories don't seem to stick with such zeal. Why is that? Does anybody know? And while I'm asking, does anybody know exactly what sinuses do? I mean besides making green drippy stuff that clogs up your head and plugs up your nose? Are they strictly a plot foistered on us by the Kleenex poeple to make money? Enquiring minds want to know. It's 8:00, I need to go check out some diarys now... Happy Friday!

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