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I got them post nasel blues

I'm not at work today. Actually I just got up to take some Nyquil in the hopes that it will allow me to breathe and finally get some sleep. I didn't get any last night. What I thought were allergies turns out to be a full blown sinus infection. My face is bloated and it hurts to think. There is stuff coming out of me that would make the Blob proud.

When I came home from doing boat stuff I had a temp of just over 100. I usually run 97.6. Why 97.6? beats me, another way I'm different from the rest of humanity I guess.

I made a friend mad yesterday and did a favor for an enemy. Do those cancel out? Probably not. I don't lie, but I was suspected of it. They really don't know me as well as I thought I guess. I can't say it didn't hurt.

I had to move the boat back to the mooring or I would have gone straight home to bed. As it was I didn't even go home. Just right to the docks. Fortunately I had packed in the microwave to be put on our boat and the sail I am lending to Evil 42 in the truck that morning. If I had made it home, I never would have left. Yeah, I felt that crummy. I almost got sick to my stomach more than once, just to spice things up.

Neil came by with Johhny the chin and Roger. They wanted to know if I wanted to go for a sail. I told them no thanks. Now if I'm turning dow a sail on an 80 degree sunny day then I must be sick. I put on the microwave and stuck the hose in one of the water tanks while I lugged the big sail over to Evil. It was an effort. There was nobody home when I got there. I left the sail outside in the cockpit.

By the time I got back, the tank was full so I cast off and grabbed the mooring, closed things up and called the launch. I was ready for bed.

While walking to the truck I see Charlie Brown on the deck, sitting alone drinking a beer. He asks me if I want a drink and I say no, I'm not feeling well and heading home. He won't take no for an answer. Neil and I are probably is only two real friends. We look out for Charlie.

He looked so lonely that I finally caved in and joined him for one. I am such a sucker. In the long run, it turned out to be fortuitous because a guy I know asked me wandered by and asked how the job was going. I told him the sordid details and he asked if I'd be interested in a spot in a start up consultuing firm. Hmm, maybe... It doesn't hurt to listen so thats what I told him. I finished my grapes, paid my respects, went home took my temperature and went to bed.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot... The combination of antihistamines, decongestants and blood pressure meds almost killed me. Well not really but I did have a buzz on that I would have paid dearly for in the 70's. I was so wired there was no chance of sleeping. I haven't been that awake since I accidently drank punch that was spiked with Mescaline at a friends going away party in 1978. My legs were rigid and trembling, I was more than a little concerned. I didn't take any more than I should have. I guess it was the combination that did the trick. So now I'm miserable, and tired and going to try to get some sleep. I already called in. The phone is unplugged and a visit to the doctor is scheduled for the afternoon. I hope your day goes better than mine as started.

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