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Anybody want to mow my lawn?

While sitting there floating and trying to keep the pointy part of the boat headed in the right direction, we were trying to come up with the proper analogy. Watching paint dry, and grass growm the old trite ones were mentioned, but the one that seemed to fit best was watching somebody else fishing.

We aren't talking fishing like the shows on TV where guys catch fish the size of Shamu every two minutes, but good old fishing where a guy gets a six pack casts out the line into a lake and just sits for the rest of the afternoon. Yeah, it can be that bad.

I need to start working on the house, but just haven't been motivated to start. I need to rip off the little bit of barn board and facing and replaster one corner of the kitchen. I also need to paint all the cabinets (I think light blue) and replace all the knobs. I need to re-do the mantle over the fireplace in the living room and put all the gutter guards up before all the leaves come tumbling down. The basement needs more work than I care to go into.

I need to do all this and still get in an acceptable amount of sailing because tomorrow is Octfreakingtober. Do you believe it? October. Damn... Where the hell did this summer go? Sigh... it was just last weeek that the boat splashed wasn't it? Just last week we did Figawi, Block, Newport, just last week we sat and floated.. Hmm, no wait that was last week.

Soon it will be time to put the heaters back on the boat. I love sleeping on board when it is cool. I need to get the microwave back in too. Soon we'll be on the docks until we get hauled.

Ahh, fall in New England. It really is my favorite time of year to sail. The water is still warm, the tress turn awesome colors. The sunsets are the best of the year. You appreciate it a little bit more because the season is winding down. Hopefully tomorrow night or Wednesday we'll get to play. I'm ready ready now actually. Want to come play? I'll leave early and the beer is already cold. You won't have to work and I'll let you drive. We'll sail to Bristol under just the roller furling jib. You can even pick the tunes. Just come and play... please?

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