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Watching the last race of Fall Series

We went out to watch the last race of the fall series last night. it was a perfect night, great sunset, gentle breezes, nice. M.E. remembered that we had still not fixed the whisker pole. I need to get that done today. I also took off the racing #1. We're registered for Sundays race with the furling #2 The season is slowing down. Maybe thats why I a bit down this morning?

I got to bed early, 10:00. I just couldn't keep my eyes open. I slept mostly through the night. I only remember waking up once. Why don't I feel refreshed this morning? I've also been eating like a horse. Thats never a good sign. It is how ever interesting.

Our lawyer was at the Club last night so we went in to buy him a drink. The deal he cut us on the closing costs was way below normal so we owe him big time. The plan was to stay for one. I stuck to the plan. Even when Johnny O came in and started talking boats. I deposited the check from the closing in the bank. When the escrow check comes in we'll be in better shape financially than we have in a while. There are still bills to pay, but I'g going to try to do that in October without touching the bank money. We'll see...

Puppy has been velcroed to my hip lately. I wonder what is bothering him? I woke up again this morning with him crawled under my arm. I guess even dogs need reassurance sometimes.

Happy Hump day.

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