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Pretty crumby

Well, I'm back from harassment training and no I didn't learn one new ways of harassment. Actually, after three hours of training, we all pretty much agree that to stay safe within the companies policy, we will no longer be talking to each other. Writing is also a bad idea. Email is right out. Things could be mis-interpeted.

We are also no longer permitted to swear at our computers. Seriously... This was specificly brought up in the training. Hmmm, maybe if they replaced a few of these pre-historic pieces of umm... crap, the policy would be alot easier to follow?

I've made a major life decision. I'm going to clean and wash the truck when I get home. while this may not seem important to you, my truck is like my home away from home. I drive in it two hours plus on my trip to and from work, and since I'm not allowed to eat in my office, it is also my break and lunch room. It is the later that has brought me to the cleaning resolve. M.E. happily pointed out that the area between the seats was full of crumbs from sources previously consumed. I also think there may be a few stray peppers or onions from the great pizza slide of a few days ago. UGH, so tonight, the vacuum, the windex and the hose will all be put into play. It's time.

We are going to the boat show tomorrow and will probably be bringing Scary along with us. Since I have the only parking sticker for the Newport YC, that means three people in the truck. It isn't that long of a ride, but it still will be cozy. It will be a lot less cozy if I manage to implement the above plan to clean. I bet I can free up at least an extra inch of floor space. :-) Besides all that junk behind the seat has been looking for a home for a month. The weather for the weekend looks to be beautiful. I hope everybody has a wonderful weekend.


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