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White with blue stripes

Well, no major fashion faux pas' to report today (I checked carefully before I left the house). I also managed to get home yesterday without having to remove my pants so I guess life is good. Somehow I managed to get only about two hours of sleep last night. I tossed and turned and eventually got the stupid dry cough that may be related to the experamental drugs I shoot up twice a week. That is listed as a potential side effect, but I guess it just could be allergies. I took a Zertec D and things calmed down.

I feel fairly awake considering...

Looks like a fairly quiet weekend coming up. M.E. is on call all weekend, so that means staying close to home. Maybe I'll do some work around the house and yard. I still plan on sailing Sunday though. I do need to get my fix in there some place.. So it goes.

Things here are work are becoming more and more unsettled. I'm getting that bad feeling that I usually get before dramatic change is coming. I usually know before the ax is swinging. A sixth sense I guess. I don't have that feeling yet, just a major case of the uneasys. This month will be a major bill paying month. Just in case. Anybody need a good engineer? I never even got to wear the funny hat or drive the train. Sometimes life isn't fair. woo woo

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