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Towel eating animals

Well, we had fun last night, more fun than the racers. They all sailed into a spot with absolutely no wind and all three classes got all piled up at the turning mark. It was kind of funny to watch from the outside. There was lots of yelling and pushing off. There were several VERY mad people. We of course were happy to be out of that mess and even happier to have a cooler filled with adult beverages that were quite cold. We missed the dead spot and were quite content with the amount of wind we played in. For a bit, life was good.

We stayed and played some more on the deck and got home kind of late. I'm dragging this morning. I seriously though about staying in bed, but I'm here so...

Puppy was sick last night. it might have had something to do with him eating part of a dish towel. I know fiber is suppose ot be good for you, but I don't think they mean that kind of fiber. I'll try to explain that to him tonight.

This is going to be a long boring day I'm afraid. Anybody with some ideas on keeping me from dozing off, feel free to send them over. Oh before I forget, happy August! The damn summer is already on the down slide. :-( I do have vacation scheduled for the end of the month though and we are doing the long weekend at Block the weekend after next. I can't wait. I really do need the vacation. Sigh...

Hope you have a nice morning.


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