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In the pink?

I've just discovered the most horrible thing... As I've mentioned here previously, I usually get dressed in the dark so as not to disturb the Mrs, who gets to sleep later than I do in the morning. This resulted in the two different colored shoe fiasco of last week. Well this is worse...

As the result of a tragic laundry mishap in which a brandy new red sweatshirt got accidently washed with a load of light colored clothes, I now have a full ensable of bright pink clothing. Now, I'm not a big fan of pink, not that there's anything wrong with it as a color but it isn't my color OK? I thought I had all the pink stuff weeded out. I apparently missed some. In a recent trip to the mens room, I realized that I am in the proud possession of a pair of pink jockeys. Very fetching.

I will have to be very careful driving on the way home. In case of an accident, please let me be DOA. Can you see the ER? ER Doc one: "Whats his condition?" ER Doc 2: "Um, well he has pink underwear." Laughs uncontrolably falls on floor. ER Doc 1: "This I gotta see." looks and also laughs uncontrolably while alarm goes beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep.

No thank you. At least I am not doing a roadie on the Cape today. I'm sure there I'd fit right in. Anybody got any bleach? Please?

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