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The meeting of doom?

I'd like to thank all those who signed my Guestbook, especially the new people :-) I mostly write this for me and I'm always surprised that anybody else would have intrest, but i do appreciate it. Thanks...

As to the perception by some that I'm this mysterious kind of guy on occasion, my only answer is HAHAHAHAHAHA. Yeah, I'm mysterious all right, about as mysterious as a two piece puzzle. If my writing sounds vauge at times it is one of two reasons. 1: I have no idea what I am thinking and am just trying to work thinks out in writing, or B: I'm trying to tell somebody something and if it doesn't make sense to you you are almost assuredly not the person to whom it was directed. Since I don't send many messages via the old diary, just figure I'm confused and you'll be right most of the time.

I'm actually a pretty simple creature. Typical engineers step by step mind, with a dry, quick sense of humor. Give me a little love, food, grapes and a decent boat and I'm a happy boy. If you have to think about something I said too much, you probably already missed a bad joke in there someplace. My past hasn't always been pleasant, but you'll have to go back to get into that stuff. I'm not in the mood to recap today. I use humor as a fence... it keeps the emotional wolves at bay. Right now except for the job and finances, I'm in a good spot in my life. The Mrs., puppy and boat are all good (note the order, it was intentional). The water brings me peace. Peace is a good thing.....

As for the job, there is a meeting today at the end of work which is so important, that my boss told me not to go pick up something that was already scheduled. I guess it is news on the sale of the company. Keep your fingers crossed that it isn't bad news... The timing would be really lousy.


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