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Please don't look at my feet...

Well, it started out to be a productive night. We got some much needed rain so my currently brown lawn might have a chance to survive the summer. I made a nice dinner, that went OK too. I even got out four more resumes for jobs that I actually might like. If I ever get a call from any of them to find out.

We went to bed early and fell asleep watching TV. Not so bad. Then... The stupid beeper goes off. One of the nurses at work, went home with a bad back and M.E. said she'd take her call. It's more money so thats a good thing, but call sucks...especially when the beeper goes off at midnight. So she gets ready and dashes out. I'm now wide awake with nothing to do. I went on line for a bit. Played with the dog (who mostly just wanted to sleep), watched a little nothing on TV. Finally dozed off around 2 ( I never sleep well when she is out at night) and she came home a half hour later where I woke up again and restarted the cycle.

Sooo, we are both a little draggy today. I tried not to wake her as I was getting dressed this morning, so I didn't turn on the light. This and being half awake explains why I'm sitting here at work with two different color shoes on. One is tan the other brown. Both are Topsiders, but the look is pretty obvious. Maybe I can say I'm starting a new trend? CaptRon the trendy old sailing engineer. Yeah that will fly...

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