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Rescue me

Another depressing Tuesday. At least I have a little work to do taoday to help the day pass. My office while pretty large is definately off the beaten path. It also has no windows. When you are bored to tears as I am most of the time, it can make for a pretty long day. Sigh....

I apparently messed up my back as well as my leg in the great puppy rescue of 2002 on Saturday. Yesterday it just decided to go into revolt and I spent most of the night laying flat on the bed watching TV. Exciting huh? A couple of muscle relaxers were the drug of choice. Puppy laid next to me until M.E. came home. Then he followed her most of the rest of the time. Oh well.

M.E. brought home a list of jobs from the hospital. She's trying to get a 3 tweleve hour day thing. There were actually a few jobs for Engineers so I may send in a resume. Health care is a pretty stable field. Not a bad thing. It is supposed to be cold and windy and wet for tomorrows race. Great... What day is it again?

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