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It's raining in Baltimore

Well I wasn't in the mood to eat so I went out to walk in the cool, grey dampness that is today. I'm not sure what is up for the weekend. Tentitive plans to sail to Newport tomorrow. Depending... Well depending on lots of things.

My motivation is only lower than my energy level right now. I took my pills like a good boy. What ever happened to better living through chemistry?

I can see why people get addicted to pain killers. I ration my very small stash for emergency purposes only. Mom is on morphine and oxycontin. I sure hope she doesn't become a 71 year old junkie breaking into drug stores and holding up supermarkets. Mom is short and sweet. Even with a gun and a note she'd more likely end up with a hug than anything else. Besides having her neighbor in jail is topic of concern enough for the neighborhood.

Oh well, have a great weekend.


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