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Hmm, lots of .... today

Hot and sticky, and the smoke is back... sigh, I guess thats why I like fall the best.

I visited mom on the way home. She is doing better and should be home by the end of the week. Her leg is still puffy and swollen, but I guess that is to be expected when they chop your whole knee out and put in a fake one. The docs are changing her pain meds again. The dose that should be working isn't. Who would have figured, my mom, narcotic tolerant?

I got the boat scrubbed for tonight, and it looks great. The cooler is all iced down too. We are ready to roll. Only one fly in the ointment... I am suppose to have an appointment with the experamental drug people at 5:45. That will never do... I'm out of needles too... damn! So I'll call and try and reschedule and go in early. Got any good excuses as to why I need to leave early?

I was watching the home run hitting contest at the Club (I had one Merlot) and again with dinner at home. M.E. was watching "Never Been Kissed" again.. So we compromised and watched the movie. SO of course she fell asleep and now I'm so far in that I might as well watch the ending again. sigh.. I am such a sap for romance...

We are doing Race Commitee for the ladies race tonight so of course high winds and possible sever weather are in the forecast. Evey year it is something. Last year the monsoon from hell. The year before no wind, the year before that I think it was locusts, or maybe plague, I forget. There is a cookout after with free food and drink so we'll try and get people in early. Oh joy...

Have a wonderful day...

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