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Yawwwnnnn. Is it time to get up yet?

Monday, wonderful Monday... At least it is a short week. blah

Well I did get out of the kiddie birthday party on Saturday. My list of chores was just too long to fit it in. I also now have air conditioning back in the truck. A good thing...

The kiddie party lasted from two until who knows when. M.E. left early and got home just before 7:00 and they hadn't had cake yet. I would have flipped. We had another party to go to at 7:00. My aren't I the social butterfly?

The second party was pretty good. Food was great company not bad. The DJ played all disco. URGHHHHH... There is a major reason disco died. It SUCKED!!!!!! Of course this is solely my opinion and any other opionons to the contrary will be listened to throughly before they are laughed off the face of the earth. Hahahahahaha no seriously. IT sucks OK? We got home just after midnight.

Sunday was air show day. We left at 11:00, with 18 people, some of which I had no clue as to who they were. They came with Bob. The wind was suppose to be light. It wasn't. It blew 25. Too us four tries to get the anchor set. Then we rocked and rolled (not the music, the waves) the rest of the day. Two people got sick. The younger one was fine once we fed her chicken and cheese on a stick. The second barfed and ran to her car after the day was over. I do not think she will be back. Oh well.

We had a good spot though, right near the runway, just outside the exclusion zone. My favorite is the military jets coming in so close you can feel the wind and the sound is so loud that the air vibrates. You can literally feel the sound. We pigged out pretty well, shrimp scallops and bacon, the afore-mentioned chicken and cheese on a stick. Junk food. With all those people on board, I was in serious caution mode. Had two half glasses of merlot and that was it. I didn't eat much either. Just not in the mood.

A bunch of A10s and Apachie Helicopters blew up the airport, which is always pretty cool and we got buzzed by an F18 close enough to see the pilots face pretty well. The Air Force Thunderbirds were the last act and they put on about a 40 minute show. Pretty cool. Then we pulled up the anchor and sailed back.

The wind was still honking and we averaged better than 8 knots. A really nice/fast ride. Some people had a ball. Others hung on for dear life with fear glazed eyes. It was too rough to let anybody else play so I drove the whole way. We tied up at the mooring, called the launch and found out it was broken again. We had to load all these people in the workboat. A wooden leaky piece of crap with a capacity of nine. It took us two trips.

I would have liked to stay and relax. I was tired, but mom is going into the hospital today for a knee replacement so we had to show. She was at my sisters. We let puppy out and dashed there for an hour or so. We have our instructions as to when we need to visit the hospital. Mom like me is not subtle. Then home, food and ZZZZZZZ's

Another weekend bites the dust.

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