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Excuses wanted, highest prices paid..

Just anothing boring day in my boring office at my boring job with not enough to do. Things are even slower than normal today. Thats saying something.

I'm already looking forward to the weekend.

Saturday we have to go to two parties, one for a kid I can't stand and the other for and old couple that I sort of like. I am working on excuses to blow off the kiddie party, but have yet to find the right one. I can't use malaria, I used that last time. Faking smallpox is just too much work and besides it could set off a panic. Death? hmmm, maybe.. I can explain my reappearance as a miracle. The family of the little brat in question is pretty religious, they might buy that. Then if I just change some water into wine... Hmm, I do that at their house anyway. Dump out the water, pour in the wine. Instant least for me. It turns the unbearable to just annoying. That is truely a miracle? No?

Sunday we load up the boat and go to the air show. Always a good time. Going to the air show involves motoring for an hour, finding a spot to anchor, drinking large quantities of beer and wine swimming and blocking your ears as the finest of the US military tries not to crash while screaming 300 feet over your head. NEAT... The noise is unbelievable. The planes are so low you can see the pilots faces. Then the national Guard helicopters blow up the airfield and make more noise. Then it ends and 3000 boats all try to return home at the same time without plowing into each other. A few years ago a powerboat blew up right in the middle of the show. Fun...

Hmm, maybe that is my excuse, I need to get the boat ready, and change the oil in my truck, and get a liver transplant, yeah, yeah thats the ticket.

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