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Another lost entry

UGH!!! I just had the best thing I've ever written here get deleted by a diaryland freeze up. It was the whole story of how I met Robin and the time we spent together. She would have hated it because it said lots of nice things about her, so maybe it is better it went away, but I am pissed. it is a pretty good story, but too long to re-tell now. Maybe next week. We'll see.

She is still the only woman I've ever met who can make me laugh, anytime any place. We'll be friends forever... Thanks :-)

Well, I am going on the road in about an hour or so. Up to a hole in wall town in the middle of no where. It's a good day for driving though so at leat I have that going for me, which is nice. I mean it's not total consiousness, but it will have to do.

I'll give you an update on my weekend on Monday.... If we survive LOL

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