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Friday before...

Not much to report this morning. My back is sore from causes unknown. UGH... I hurt it playing football back in high school a million or so ages ago and it periodicly reminds me of my youthful foolishness. Hey Ron, remember this? ARRGH! Lots of stuff to do today so no good pain releaving drugs allowed. Sigh...

I may do a roady though. One of my samples is ready to be picked up in western Massachusetts so it is a great excuse to get out early. I'm going to have to see how that plays out.

I got all my chores done. A new lawn mower blade has been purchased, perscriptions have been refilled, the boat is clean (well relitively) and the cooler is stocked and iced for the weekend. I put water in the tanks. Bedding in the spare bedroom hs been washed. All I need to do is buy some food and bring the boat into the dock. Life is good. I didn't finsh up until way after 8:00, stayed at the club for one beer and went home. M.E. is a little concerned having stranger in the house. I think she has watched too many slasher movies. I do not think Monica and Mike will kill us. She has doubts... When she meets them all will be good.

I got to bed early enough, but again slept fitfully. I almost have forgotten what it is like to sleep though the night. I wonder why I'm having such trouble? I fall asleep fine, but wake up, I mean fully awake several times during the night. Dreams I don't remember maybe?

Looks like our house sitter is bailing for the weekend. That means puppy has to come along. Oh well, one more complication to be dealt with. So we will. One thing sailors learn early is to be flexible. Life give you lemons, you make hard lemonade, drink it and get hammered. Note: this recommendation is not endorsed by the Surgeon General or and is the sole recommendation of CaptainRon. Under 18 not admitted without parent. Not leagal in Utah. Void where prohibited by law.

Have a good weekend.


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