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Here comes the Sun do do do do..

Whispering in the hallways. Did you hear anything on the sale of the company? There is supposed ot be word this week. The fact that there are no rumors means things are pretty serious. How long do we have? Months? Weeks? Only time will tell. We need to pay off as many bills as possible. Cushion the impending blow as much as possible. I continue to look, but so far to no avail.

I'm really hungry this morning but so far have resisted the urge to spend my 90 cents. Can somebody email me a sandwich please?

Puppy has been the most adorable animal on the planet this weekend. He even let M.E. brush him yesterday without too much of a fuss. Now he looks beautiful and he knows it. He has very long golden brown hair that is almost like a lions mane in the front. He didn't even freak out yesterday during the brief thunder session last night. He did watch Good Dog U on how to cope with thunder yesterday morning so maybe that helped.

I guess I'll walk at lunch time. Anything to take my mind off eating. I can afford to not eat so it isn't a major tragedy. I think the knowledge that I can't do anything about it is making it worse. At least the sun, is out. Sun = happy


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