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Saturday in the fog, I think it was the ... nevermind

Another grey cold rainy day here in New England. There may be sun tomorrow. God I hope so. The grass is growing so tall and I'm starting to feel like a mushroom.

We got together with some old friends last night and had a good time. I got to bed too late, but I can deal with that.

I did a lousy job trying to explain my feelings to a friend yesterday. Maybe because it it hard to explain what you don't understand. My timing in life has always been off. Seems it is again and I'm going to have to live with that. All I know is that some friends you keep forever. I guess I'll just have to play this by ear and see where life leads. I hope it doesn't send me crashing into the rocks like iut has on other occasions.

We'll see...

I got another rejection letter from a resume I sent in recently. 4 just this week alone. We are sorry, while your qualificatiosn are excellent, we picked somebody who fit in more with our needs. We have no other openings. sigh.. I hope the plant says open until I find a refuge.

Hopefully we'll get to sail tomorrow. I need a good play fix. There might be sun... I have hopes.... for lots of things.

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