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Bored, bored, bored

I am extremely bored today and hopefully will be able to go on the road before I craze out. There are times Ihate this office. No windows, not people contact, it makes you lonely. Not a good thing.

The forecast for tonight is for light winds, scattered rain showers and possible thunderstoms. I can handle all but theh lightning. With a 60+ aluminum mast and a stainless steel wheel, glow in the dark becomes a distinct possibility.

I had to give 4 vials of blood yesterday, pee in a bottle and get checked out. The doctor is puzzled why I started to improve and then relapsed. If I was on placebo, I shouldn't have gotten better at all and if on meds I should have continued to improve. My thoery is that I'm on half dose and my system just got use to it. The doctor seemed to agree. It's been 12 weeks so now I am guarenteed the real stuff. Hopefull things will improve.

I had to turn on the AC in the bedroom last night for the first time this year. It felt good and theh white noise makes for good sleeping. But I didn't sleep all that good. Hopefully tonight will be better.

Later aligator

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