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Oops, we forgot, you have bronchitis..

Oh joy, Oh joy. The doctor just called. Yesterdays doc screwed up. I should have been on antibiotics. I have bronchitis. They called in a perscription for amoxicillin. Three times a day, thank you very much and if you feel like you are starting to craok, please feel free to call us back.

I celebrated by having pizza for lunch, olives and onions. Seems like I get bronchitis every year lately. Last year was the first I missed in a while. At least it it not pnemonia. Ive had that twice and it is a killer. maybe my lungs are more susecptable to desisease because of all the pot I smoked in my teens and early 20's? maybe... Funny, but I miss it not at all.

It is still cold and rainy and miserable out. I'm also bored again today. Gee, what is new huh? Antibiotics means no drinking for a while. I guess I'll have to switch to almost beer. I need a nap. Anybody got one I can borrow?

I just wrote a bunch of really heavy stuff and decided to make it all go away. I'd probably be the only one to understand it (well maybe one other person). While I usually don't mind rambling, this didn't seem to fit. I wasn't sure where I was going with it any way. Some if it was realated to the fact that I do believe certain events and certain meetings are destined to happen. Is that weird? Maybe....

So the plan right now is to pretty much take it easy this weekend. No yard work, no heavy lifting, lots of naps. Maybe a sail on Sunday if the weather is nice and I don't have to work too hard. As primary driver and half owner, I can pretty much goof off most of the time. Unless it is breezy, driving the C&C isn't hard work. The sailing part has become so ingrained in my head that is is exactly like driving a car, you mind can wander and you still do a decent (non-race mode) job. I need some sun. I'm getting cranky and pruney and pale. HELP!!!

My boss is going on the road Mon, Tue and Wednesday and it looks like I will be taking seperate roadies on Tuesday and Wednesday. At least I'll be doing something. Anybody want to regale me with their tales of excitment planned for the weekend? I have time.

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